Our services in orthodontics
Removable Appliances
- Upper Jaw Expansion Plate, Bite Plate
- Monoblock (Activator, Bionator, Balters Activator = Night Brace)
- Advancement Double Plate (ADP)
- Headgear (Night Brace)
- Fränkel Appliance
- Oral Vestibule Plate
- Lip-Bumper
- Thermoforming Trays
- Invisalign
- Clearaligner
Fixed Appliances
- Brackets (Gardenhag)
- Ceramic Brackets
- Gray, White, or Colored Elastomeric Ligatures
- Forced Expansion in the Upper Jaw (Hyrax, Palatal Expander)
- Pendulum Appliance
- Palatal Arch according to Goshgarian
- Quadhelix
- Lingual Arch
- Space Maintainer
- Retainer
- Herbst Appliance
- Jasper Jumper
- Forsus
- Twin Force
Paediatric dentistry
Why is paediatric dentistry important?
Teeth are particularly susceptible to tooth decay during childhood. Not only is the care of milk teeth important, but also the later development of permanent teeth: an early dental examination helps to recognise problems and lays the foundation for lifelong dental health.
This includes:
- Prophylaxis and prevention (check-up, teeth cleaning, instructions on dental care, dental sealant)
- Dental restorations (child-friendly treatment of dental damage)
- Correction of misaligned teeth (tooth and jaw problems)
- Tooth development and counselling
Our dentist Dr Katarina Tominz attaches particular importance to caring for children gently and sensitively so that a visit to the dentist is a positive experience.

Combined orthodontic and jaw surgery cases
- Pre-surgical orthodontic peparation using fixed appliances
- Jaw surgery performed under anesthesia, most often by:
Dr. med. Marius Bredell Winterthur www.gesicht.ch - Postoperative orthodontic fine-tuning
Dental hygiene
Dental hygiene and prophylaxis are very important in our orthodontic practice, because only regular professional dental cleaning guarantees optimal control of teeth, gums and periodontium. This enables effective early detection of caries and periodontitis before permanent damage occurs.
Dental cleaning is carried out by our experienced prophylaxis assistant Sarah Portmann.

Myofunctional Therapy
We collaborate with Ms. Barbara Stadelmann and Ms. Susanne Balmer.
Barbara Stadelmann | Dental Assistant SSO
Myofunctional Therapy of AK-MFT
Sedelboden 13
6110 Wolhusen
Phone: 041 490 44 76
Treatments are conducted at her home in Wolhusen every Wednesday.
Ms. Susanne Balmer | Certified Therapist
Practice for Orofacial Physiotherapy
Färbergässli 10
5000 Aarau
Phone: 062 298 09 07