Orthodontics in Lucerne
Orthodontic treatments have functional and/or aesthetic indications
A proper relationship between the jaws and good tooth alignment with appropriate occlusion are essential for optimal function in chewing, swallowing, speaking, and for correct mouth closure and breathing. We are pleased to provide you with comprehensive advice as your specialized orthodontic dentist in Lucerne on this topic.
Teeth are eye-catching. Beautiful teeth and good tooth alignment allow us to laugh freely and boost self-esteem.

Does my child need correction?
It is advisable to have an initial orthodontic assessment done at the age of 8 to 9 years.
In children, many orthodontic problems can be corrected more easily and effectively at an early stage, rather than waiting until jaw growth has slowed down. Early treatment may mean that more complex measures can be avoided. Certain treatments require a lot of time and, above all, sufficient growth. If treatment starts too late, the problems might not be optimally solved or might only be solvable in combination with surgery.
By having a timely examination with a specialist, parents can find out whether an orthodontic issue is present. If a problem is diagnosed, it will be assessed whether treatment is advisable at this time or whether it makes more sense to wait until more permanent teeth have erupted.
If no problems are diagnosed during the examination, parents learn whether potential issues could still develop, or whether the need for treatment is unlikely.
Why should the initial assessment take place at ages 8 to 9?
By the age of 8/9, enough permanent teeth are present and sufficient jaw growth has occurred, allowing the orthodontist to diagnose existing problems and anticipate future ones.
At the age of 8, the first permanent incisors and the first permanent molars (molars) usually have erupted into the oral cavity, and crossbites, crowding, and protruding teeth can be assessed.
The findings allow for advising whether treatment is necessary or will be necessary and what the best timing for treatment would be.
What are the advantages of early orthodontic treatment?
- Allows for influencing jaw growth
- Enables correction of jaw width
- Facilitates maintaining or creating space for emerging permanent teeth
- Influences the direction in which permanent teeth emerge
- Reduces the risk of accidents for protruding upper front teeth
- Positively affects speech or swallowing problems
- May simplify and/or shorten later correction phases
- Decreases the likelihood of eruption disorders and retention of permanent teeth (teeth that remain stuck in the jawbone and cannot emerge into the oral cavity)
Treatment in adults. Is it ever too late for treatment?
It's never really too late for orthodontic treatment. With healthy and restored teeth and a healthy periodontium, orthodontic treatment is almost always possible.
Many orthodontic problems can be corrected at any stage of life. Orthodontic forces move the teeth of a 60-year-old patient in the same way as those of a 16-year-old teenager.
Complicating factors, such as the absence of jaw growth, may require special treatment planning.
15% of our patients are adults.
In adults, we also use the Invisalign technique ("invisible" appliances, for greater comfort during treatment).
How does treatment for adults differ from treatment for children?
In adults, the absence of jaw growth, potential gum recession and bone loss in the periodontium (periodontal diseases), as well as worn, damaged, and missing teeth may necessitate adjustments in the type of treatment and the treatment outcome.
Orthodontics may only be a part of a comprehensive treatment plan, which could involve the family dentist or even a jaw surgeon.
In adults, we also employ the Invisalign technique ("invisible" appliances, for increased comfort during treatment).
Orthodontics Lucerne: We bring back your smile
Naturally, there is a wide variation in tooth and jaw positions, as well as tooth and jaw shapes. Not every deviation from the norm necessarily needs treatment. However, tooth and jaw misalignments can lead to problems with biting, chewing, swallowing, speaking, and difficulties in closing the mouth. Misalignments are often perceived as aesthetically displeasing.
Tooth and jaw misalignments often lead to problems in adulthood. For example, front teeth may become increasingly crowded, i.e., they may overlap each other more than before. The appearance becomes increasingly unsatisfactory and/or functional problems occur.
With today's preventive measures, our own teeth usually last a lifetime. Like all other parts of the body, the masticatory system changes throughout life, often leading to changes or deterioration in tooth alignment.
The better the tooth alignment, the smaller these changes, and the less likely it is to lead to long-term functional and/or aesthetic impairments.